Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dolly and Dana

Thomas Jefferson,Montelillo
This photo is the home of Thomas jefferson. It is a classical picture of neoclassica by the dome on top and the border arount the home. This type of art is now used as a theme for the official Federal style. They

Neoclassicism is a style of art that was influenced by the Greek classical styles during the late 18th and 19th century. This was a reaction to the Baroque and Rococo styles, as a desire to the perceived “purity” of the arts of Rome. The painter took extra care to depict the costumes, setting, and details with as much accurse as possible. The art emphasized line quality over color, light and atmosphere.(Art.com)

Marat Assassinated 1793 (Oil on canvas) this picture portrays the death of Marat, a fallen hero of the Revolution. (www.art.com)
The formal quality being that it is extremely detailed. For example the note in his hand is clearly visible in writing and it has smudged finger prints on the note. It also shows what obviously happened in the picture. (Apparent suicide) The pen in his hand also shows that he was the one that wrote the note. The bright red color in the bathtub also suggests that he has committed suicide also.
The detail in the picture is very clear for example the box that he identifies as this painting is his. The folds in the blanket are very natural looking and the deathly expression in his face shows that he was not happy.

Ferdinand IV King of Naples, and His Family. Angelica Kauffmann (art.com)
The detail of each individual is amazingly accurate. The color is bright and vivid. There is a brightness shining upon them which creates deep shadows that show the depth and character of each.

Antonio Canova, Cupid and Psyche, (artlex.com)
Neoclassic artists used classical forms to express their ideas about courage, sacrifice, and love of country. (artlex.com)La Baigneuse. Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres (artwork.barewall.com)
This piece is a perfect example of the Neoclassical period because of its simplicity. The womanly figure sitting on the bed with her back to us. The picture is soft and light, making her skin look flawless. The details are in the bedding and in flowered scarf in her hair, but beyond that the surroundings of the woman are simple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marat was killed by a messenger.